Proven ability to exercise Boost the Brain

Exercise was not only making a strong muscular body, but also can help improve memory function of the brain. That at least is evident from a study conducted by Kirsten hotting, PhD from the University of Hamburg, Germany.

"Combining different forms of exercise may provide beneficial effects on brain function," he said.

Experts say, in adults who are elderly, brain regions associated with memory (hippocampus) tend to shrink. Previous research has also found that a brain region called the hippocampus could again grow after they (older people) began to perform physical activity. This growth is usually accompanied by an increase in memory function.

The newest research, the research focuses on the hotting up of middle-aged individuals. He conducted an evaluation of 68 active men and women aged between 40-56 years. Each volunteer was asked to do moderate exercise, such as stretching and cycling. As a comparison, researchers also involved 18 people are known to be physically inactive.

Hotting said, prior to the study, all volunteers underwent cardiac fitness test. Each program is supervised and lasted for one hour, twice a week.

"Training or coordination stretch begins with a brief warm up phase, followed by stretching and strengthening the major muscles of the body as a whole," he said.

"Exercise is defined as the coordination of balance exercises, complex movements of the arms and legs, and so on. Then the exercise concludes with some relaxation exercises," he added.

Before and after the study, researchers also measured levels of memory and other thinking skills. The results showed, cycling groups have increased their cardiovascular fitness by 15 percent. While the group that did stretching and inactive have no real change in their fitness.

However, in group cycling activities coupled with stretching to get better value when studying memory tests than the inactive group. Improved test scores were also associated with increased fitness. Hotting revealed, other studies have found that an increase in fitness associated with selective improvement in memory.

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